As soon as I think that it will be ready , another problem crops up. It seems to be difficult to link the 2 different systems togther , but I think there are just 5 more files to sort out before the it works ! The photos can be uplaoded but they are trying to work out a uniform size for them and then we are in business.
I do wish though that deveolopers would be more pessimistic about the time frames as I have been told so many times "only a few more days" & "almost there" which I pass on to discover it is more complicated !
I then feel responsible for the fact I have told others "only a few nmore days" and that is not the case !
Well back to work and will update when I hav emore news !
I do wish though that deveolopers would be more pessimistic about the time frames as I have been told so many times "only a few more days" & "almost there" which I pass on to discover it is more complicated !
I then feel responsible for the fact I have told others "only a few nmore days" and that is not the case !
Well back to work and will update when I hav emore news !
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