Monday, 18 January 2010

Back in to the Swing ...

1 comment
... Of things.

We have been promoted. There is a temporary link to this blog on the front page on Exchange Holiday Homes now. I'm sure we'll get a much more pretty link at some point in the near future maybe even with a picture. We have a big redevelopment planned with lots of new features, so maybe we can push to be a bigger part of the NEW EHH. Capitalisation added for emphasis.
In other news, we've been really pleased with the number of new members applying to join in the early part of 2010 and the number of you making swap enquiries. We've had people flying around the world all over the place. It's enough to make you jealous.

We are recruiting more estate agents and property developers to our cause too (have a look at one of our partners, pictured above, here), and look forward to helping them sell their properties with the knowledge that the clients can use our club to see the world and not just their same holiday home multiple times every year.

We would also like this to be a forum for your thoughts and ideas? Is there anything you think we could do better? Could add in the future? That's not forgetting our main forum here,, but feel free to add anything you'd like to say in the comments below.

Would you like this blog to tackle specific issues? Is there anything you think is difficult to understand with the swap system? You input is invaluable. You are the reason we are here and we want to our very best to get it right.


Josh Doyle said...

Congratulations on your promotion. You will surely get more links. Luxury flats