Well we are all getting used to the new way of working at Exchange Holiday Homes.
New members are joining every day and we have been contacting all our old members who so far have been positive about the new systeam and wish to stay as members (over 80%)
We need to persuade more members to add week/s, rather than wait to see a week they want before adding one ( bit of a catch22 situation going on) They can if they need them back take them back (as long as they are not booked) and they dont go into negative credits (if that is the case then thaey can take them back as long as they replace them with another week)
Whilst its all changing we are helping people to find places and so if they dont see anything suitbale, contact us. I have been working hard contacting other members to arrange something for them, I have had good results from this, so let me know what you want and we will try to help!
We are in the process of improving the searching facilites, so that you can see just holiday homes with available weeks, and also the latest additions/ new weeks will be shown on the home page, this is in the pipeline and will be up and running soon.
We will be adding short breaks to the website soon and by the end of the year we will be having a section for Hotel/B&B's exchanges, so all very exciting!
We are here to answer questions or help in any way so if anyone is unsure or needs any questions answered, contact us we will be pleased to help !